


two kids: firstborn and baby param;

Three time butterfly awardee: thanks OJ, dipali and Bhu

One time Proximade: Nino’s Mum

the lovely Era’s thumb’s up

and a spanking new title from D, with praise for “for being so economical and so clever with her words”

and starry’s bling: lovelyblog15

59 responses »

    • hello!
      i followed ur twitter during the mumbai blasts. thank you.
      will shout out to my two pals — socio and bhu — both PhDs and very sensible women — to read you…they’ll be there shortly i assume:-)

  1. Sensible people on my blog? πŸ˜• Err, okay! πŸ˜€ I hope it’s alright to blogroll you? I haven’t encountered a linkallergy yet, but one can never tell.

  2. Hi MIM,
    I sat down today and read all ur posts, (I am at home with the stitch on my forehead). It is said that brevity is the soul of wit. Your blog is a living example of that.
    I so enjoyed all your posts and managed to read all of them!yay!

  3. Musings: yours is a fun blog, as well… describes neatly the life of an expat wife

    Shyam: thanks, made my day πŸ™‚
    . i’ve hopped on to your site before, lurking only.

  4. Er, is the banner photo your own? Could I, could I please play with it some – it is looking far too fuzzy and I would like to try and sharpen it some for you, if you want it that is.

  5. Woman, I think I’m addicted to your blog. And I also risk losing work soon. See, here I am going, ” Just another tiny teeny post. Just one more lovely short post.”

    Hmmph. Clearly you leave me recourse but to blogroll you.

  6. Chanced upon your blog (intrigued to see a fellow Indian expat blogger in KL) while glancing through few Indian mum blogs (for a change) and must say that the last few hours i spent reading each and every post of yours has left me hungry for more. Undoubtedly hooked to your amazing way of writing with a streak of humour in every post. Which pre-school/school does your first born go to? Welcome to my world/blog too.

  7. hello! Just wanted to let you know I found ur blog and read many many pages at one go! Leaving one comment on one post did not seem fair, because thew message is I love reading ur blog!


  8. deepa : thanks! πŸ™‚
    and kodi’s mom: but me on the other hand, have read ya:); this was even before i turned a blogger

  9. krishnapriya hi! twin mom? double trouble or twice as much fun?
    omg, omg,
    coming over to read you…

  10. Hi, stopped by and really enjoyed your style..short, witty and perceptive. .I am sure I will keep coming back πŸ™‚

  11. Meira: when I am in the ICU, totally in coma, and breathing on a ventilator: this is the sort of comment that’ll make me all perky:-D
    thank ye!

  12. hi,just hopped over from i really dunno where. loved ur posts. short n sweet n the pinch of humour. i totally admire bloggers who KISS. i, as u can see just cant stop rambling.

  13. Came across your blog recently – Whattaylovely !!

    Your posts should be made required reading (a la the food pyramid guidelines) to get the daily quota of smiles and positive energy – keep them coming !!

  14. Hey MIM, enjoyed reading your blog!! read many posts at one go πŸ™‚ and also the comments/dialogs/discussions that follow .. hilarious πŸ™‚

  15. Hey,

    I love reading your stuff and have blogrolled you without your permission. I’m new to blogging, didn’t realize I had to ask for permission. So, I’m apologizing after the fact. Hope its okay to have blogrolled you.


    • thanks for the compliment.

      i’ve been on silent mode for a rather long time

      i was just wondering whether to kill my blog or let it die a natural death?

      • Well, I love getting your perspective on living in KL and I sure love the payasam stories. Btw it was my husband’s nakashatra pirnadhanaal yesterday and I was to make paayasam and I was thinking MiM would have made it in a jiffy. Lazy bum that I am, I didn’t do it, will probably do it for his DOB. Please don’t kill your blog. We eat paayasam vicariously by way of your blog πŸ™‚

        And I love the 55 word stories as well. So, for our sakes, blog on


  16. Pingback: Blouse envy | Meera's musings

  17. Pingback: Atithi Devo Bhava | Meera's musings

  18. Hi!
    I am writing on behalf of Women’s Web, an online women’s magazine based out of India. We have started a travel series, profiling interesting women bloggers from across the world.

    I am quite impressed by your blog. Would you be interested in contributing a guest post for us on some fun things that a mom and kids can do in Malaysia and KL in particular?

    If you are, then please drop me an email and I’ll get back to you with further details. Hope to hear from you soon!


  19. Hi MiM! I have seen your comments around on blogs that both of us read. I have read you a few times but never really had anything intelligent to say πŸ™‚ I am writing to you now because I am moving to Kuala Lumpur in exactly 4 days, and I am pretty paranoid. I have a head full of questions and I was wondering if I can write to you somewhere. My email address is Please let me know where I can connect with you. Thanks!

  20. hi mim,,
    delurking :)… having been reading for almost a year. It has been really joyride reading your posts.
    keep it going πŸ™‚ ..

    • likewise lg. two chennaiites who live two kms away and are almost on the same mental webpage, discover each other on the www about 5 years later. happens.

  21. Hi,

    This is Apoorva, a reporter for the Hindustan Times in Mumbai. I wanted to speak to you for a story I am working on. Could you please get in touch with me as soon as you can?

    My email is apoorvadutt88 @ gmail dot com.

    Thanks so much.

    Best wishes,
    Apoorva Dutt

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