Monthly Archives: September 2009

bathroom tappers


year 1984: MiM is 6.
“uncle R! how much longer are you going to be in the bathroom. I want to play with you…”

year 2009: firstborn, age 4. ” uncle R! I want to talk to you, Are you done yet? How much longer…”

a favourite uncle. and the two point three minutes he takes a loo-break seems like time wasted.

Mickey spouse


the MMMiM again. almost perfect scores in mathematics through school.three professional degrees. 14 years of work-exp.
and he still cant get the facts about one teeny cartoon right.

~ “isn’t mickey a girl? the voice sounds er… feminine…”

~ He also wanted to know how firstborn told Daisy and Donald apart — “dont they look similar”

(all the while i am cluttering my brain with completely unnecessary trivia like the Italian name for Mickey Mouse is Topolino)
How does AJ keep arguments down to three a day?



so i dropped our digital camera and the MMMiM gave me a great-grandfather of all lectures.
he’s STILL giving me post-scripts to the original lecture.

malaysia celebrated its 52nd year of freedom from British colonial rule on August 31.
Firstborn is running across the lawns of Merdeka Square. Celebrations were cancelled here because of H1N1 — and so firstborn was free to run across…

100_0295posting delayed

*headerpic: baby param waves the malaysian flag that firstborn brought back from school.

savage mumbai


you know I hate mumbai. I say it often and i say it everywhere. the city takes too many liberties with itself. it strips off innocence easily. fast. and

In the four months I stayed there… I spent most of my time in the sand pit/slide/ swings in one play
area in goregaon, and another in Powai.

I was almost always the solitary parent minding my firstborn. I saw teenaged girls perching babies on their
non-existent hips and pushing prams for the evening park haunt.

It was bloody everywhere. A little girl ‘looking after’ a littler kid.

(I’ve lived in Bangalore and haunted the parks there.
I’ve lived in chennai and haunted (what little) parks
they have… and it is not THE NORM in those cities)

But for Mumbai. everything is chalta hai.
Why are such a great majority of mothers in Mumbai so

Cruel mumbai and cruel cruel Urvashi.

Don’t you remember the time when you were a little
girl? What were you doing when you were 10 or 12 ?
Why do you let a little girl do what you cannot or will not?