tagged and awarded:-)



sands, I am SO not the introspective kind. I dont quite know my own tastes and dislikes. THAT used to drive my ma, mad.

so if you don’t mind, i’d like to do this like a psychological test.

or. on how well do i know some bloggers…: six questions apiece.

(I have done the questions as I think these mums would have done em)

1. on Nitya: whom I think I’ve read since forever
2. and Stray Grey: who made me cry with her last post

and two other rasam loving bloggers

3 namely chox (i know you just took the tag. but HONEST i didnt read it)
4 and sur (who is waiting for me in Mumbai with a Vim bar)

Nitya: you are first:

1.What is your current obsession?
Reading. past present future next birth.

2. What are you wearing today?
A simple blue kurta

3. What’s for dinner?
yasam, yice

4. What’s the last thing you bought?
A book on rockets and planets; an Agatha Christie, and bun from Bread Talk

5. What are you listening to right now?
I am listening to Arjun being very quiet. Now why would he be very quiet.

6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Oh that MiM she has a lot to answer for!

Stray Grey:
7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
One by a beautiful beach, where the waves lap by lazily.

8. What are your must-have pieces for summer?
Panchamirtham and pickles

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
To the Cannes awards. preferably as the winner

10. Which language do you want to learn?
Kannada. because we just bought a house there.

11. What’s your favorite quote?
“I think I can. Ergo. I know I can.”

12. Who do you want to meet right now?
Ma and my sis

Chox this is you

13. What is your favorite colour?

14. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?

15. What is your dream job?

I have it already. It lets me be with my kids and lets me do what I want.

16. What’s your favorite magazine?

17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
Buy the last two books in the erm ra-series for n3.

18. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
i have to believe in the current notions of fashion to believe in fashion faux pas.

19. Who are your style icons?
Next question

20. Describe your personal style.?
you are being redundant here

21. What are you going to do after this?
I am going to work on my next film

22. What are your favorite movies?
Excuse me. you know who I am? I am sur. I think movies. It’s in my head and it’s in my blood now.
fine. i’ll pick satyajit ray’s works.

24. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can’t live without?
I live behind the camera. I can get by without these three.

23. What inspires you?
the husband and the child. mostly its the other way round,

24. What do you carry in your bag?

House keys, money, change, a photo of the child from when she was born, tissues, comb, receipts, notepad, pencils, camera, batteries, usb cord…

25. What do you do when you “have nothing to wear” (even though your closet’s packed)?
Are you talking about today?

26. Coffee or tea?

27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
I write. I walk. And I go off to the hills

28. What is the meaning of your name?

29. Which other blogs you love visiting?
space bar, banno, MiM. not in that order.
thanks sands for the award and tag… 🙂 I lurrrrrrrved doing it!!! 🙂

I hafta tag: MGM (she eats tags for breakfast) — and pass on this award to her…

Plus I’d love to pass on this award and tag to four newbie bloggers: some who are only a few posts old: shruti, print lovah, mft and averagejane — and a newbie ‘wordpress’ blogger: meira

24 responses »

  1. Ohhhhhhh! i love you 😉
    I was always Jealous of all the blogs with such lovely awards… now I have mine too.. n for some insane reason I wanted to be tagged!!! n thats happened too! 🙂 Thanks a bunch MiM ..

    N ohh the way u tackled ur tag!! Hilarious!! 🙂

  2. Ooh! MiM, Thanks for the award!

    And the tag. My first.

    Will do the tag. And Lol at your approach to the tag 🙂

  3. Pingback: First award and tag! « My Floating Thoughts

  4. shruti: lol! coming right over to see my award. 🙂 thank ye:-)

    Mft: wowie! the first to finish the tag! kalakkals:-)

    Nitya: gimme. gimme. gimme. three helpings pl.
    and how did i do the test? do tell.

    starry: you said it!

    chox: all correctaaaaa? *falls flat* lemme go over and check… not really, right?

    AJ: I mean who else can so accurately write on blousepiece logis. nightmares —
    you should be in a category of your own:-)
    heh heh heh @bloggergod. wait a minute — are you sure you didnt mean to key in bloggerdog

    MGM: my pleasure

    dips: do. give them dips vote of confidence — like you gave me so many months ago:-)

  5. MiM: Am honoured with the award- now i shall don the strict teacher hat and mark your test:

    21: finishing current film. marks: 0.5

    22: snob film insitute types love ghatak more than ray. so do i. but i love ray too. marks: 0.5

    24: i have to minus marks for your numbering by the way- but answer to question is bang on. (even on my wedding i wanted only kajal. my mom coaxed me into wearing lipstick. now i wear lipstick if i think my clothes are mismatched so no one notices:) .marks :1

    23:bang on. marks: 1

    24: fully wrong. shall explain later. marks:0

    25:bang on. marks:1

    26:sorry. marks: 0 ( but i do like filter coffee when i visit a kannada or tamil friend. no where else)

    27: actually most of the times i am depressed because i can not write. so i walk and take off…hills, beach, crowded bby trains, whereever
    marks: 1

    28: my blog name, yes. my real name-fragarance. marks: 1

    29: pretty correct. but the order begins with MiM because i am assured of a new post. the other two are lazy oafs. and there are many other bloggers too… marks: 1

    7out of 10 . ABR is honoured that you cracked my personality type 🙂

  6. sur: liberal was you.

    after having checked with the answers
    I myself would have settled for:

    21: 0

    22: 0

    24: 1 which has to be minused for wrong numbering : so make that 0

    23: 0.
    25: 1

    26: not the kaapi kind? 😦

    27: 0.5

    28: 0.5

    29: 1

    the score is only three on 10, strictly spking. i think the comment that my teachers wrote on my report card would fit:
    “can do better”

    sur: what? you didn’t ALREADY know that I love your blog? gah!

  7. Pingback: Its tag time, folks! « Fashion, Home Decor, Gardening..

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