how a wedding was planned…


photo taken on March 20.
written by the MMMiM.
Location: bride’s residence.

completely in his element.

the MMMiM was at three places in the marriage hall at one time. executing. masterplanning. nervous energy.

me. i was at one place four times. breakfast.lunch.tiffin.dinner.

PS: this blog crossed one lakh hits. erm. what happens now?

31 responses »

  1. Loved the one place four times! I would probably go a couple times more..for that maama holding the filter no not for the maama πŸ™‚ but for that elixir of javaholics!

    • actually it was four times on one day
      four times on second day
      and once on day three…
      and the bakshanams boxed and packed to KL:-)

    • say hi to her from me as well;-)

      but. apparently. she’s not all there always or may be she’s always not there. i forget

  2. and yay to the MMMiM. tell him i understand. had major spreadsheets for all manner of stuff as well, given that the bride and groom were from totally different communities. the bride was yours truly.

  3. Heehee. Mu man cant work without whiteboards and excel sheets. he would have added a column for “resource” and definitely one for “Comments” !! πŸ™‚
    1 lac!! way cool! lets back in line at the same place and celebrate!!

  4. De-lurking for the first time to tell you that Pattappa has been cooking for my family for nearly 3 generations now. πŸ™‚

    • hey thanks for delurking. like your screen name.
      and i think pattappa will have to take on the next three generations from me downwards…he’s spectacular

      • Thank you! As you can tell, I’m a fangirl πŸ™‚

        Spectacular he is.. Too bad my wedding was in Pune – otherwise we would have surely engaged his services! My parents and grandparents have known him from the days when he actually used to cook himself (with a tiny crew of maybe 4 or 5 people)..

  5. Hats off to MMMiM !!!
    Is he available around December as the official wedding planner? Lemme know….

    One Lakh hits….you should be hooting and screaming in celebration !!

    • i didnt actually SEE the man. He disappeared like Macavity.

      But his son was there and he’s apparently a symbiosis MBA taking over the reins.

      besh. besh. indeed.

  6. Pattappa was the cook for my wedding too! Awesome, isn’t he? πŸ™‚

    And congrats on the one lakh hits!

    • googled pattappa, but there’s hardly anything on him on the internet.

      i should have interviewed him for this blog .

    • aathu. mentally stopped saying the word after some kid thought i was talking about going to a river.


  7. ok is it normal to be zapped that so many people know and have eaten from Pattappa’s kitchen? wow!!

    and that is some serious organization! very cool!

    1 lakh hits?! wow! wait for 2 lakhs?! πŸ™‚


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